Ever since I was a kid, I loved playing sports and figuring out ways to make money.

I loved moving my body and using my brain to create and solve.

A natural-born athlete + problem solver.

High school was very memorable as it made me accept myself and my choices.

It wasn’t until I got out of college and started my own business that life began.

You name it I had it when it came to mental disorders.

ADHD, Depression, PTSD, Anorexia bulimia Binge eating, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Manic, Mania.

Like I said about everything that is mentally challenging.

I had launched my own business and was successful.

But I was a struggling substance and food addict deep down.

I knew this would be my demise if I didn’t get it under control.

I understood my health was something I needed to focus on for any sustainability.

I never made it a priority or put in the consistent work but something told me that it was a necessity to crack the $ code!

So, I started to get serious and began to explore my health.

I knew correcting my lifestyle was a root problem I needed to solve.

I became very mindful of things.

I started to explore eating less and meditating more while consuming whole foods.

I soon realized there was something to mental function, movement, and not eating a lot.

I’d focus on macros, nutrient-dense combinations, and body comp goals.

The addictions started to fade.

I found myself addicted to fasting, and not consuming a lot of food.

In fact, it got me higher than drugs.

I tapped into this superpower that aligned me with everything I desired.

Time went on and I kept accelerating my exploration until one day I was in the ICU.

It was May of 2006, I was doing an early morning workout and run with my lab Caton in NY at a park down the street from our house.

Trained; like a soldier, always off his leash, and free to roam.

Inside this tree covered, loaded with squirrels park we went to every day.

He got his exercise in while I did mine.

Wherever he was even if we weren’t in eyesight, immediately upon calling his name, he would come so it worked.

Until this one morning when I woke up on the dirt and pebbles with him lying on top of me pawing and licking me in the face.

I was bleeding from my lower spine, and back.

I suffered from a TBI; Traumatic Brain Injury and my left eye was out of socket.

My neurologist said in all his years he has never seen this type of trauma from a fall.

He said …“It was as if someone tasered or stun-gunned you, and then repeatedly hit you in the head with a blunt object”.

When I was lying in ICU this is when the lightbulb went off for me.

I had admitted to myself that my mind, body, and health had to become a priority.

I was starting to give it attention.

But it was now too late.

I said to myself “Wow there is no amount of money in the world that can write a check to buy me my health, and get me out of here”.

It was then I realized all the hard work, all the sacrifice, MEANT NOTHING without my health.

HEALTH was at the forefront of everything in life.

Without my health I had nothing.

From that moment forward I dedicated my life to controlling my mind so I could heal myself.

I made a conscious effort in my mind to tell myself “Marisa Morabito is going home”.

For 9 days, when the doctor would come in and ask me to write something down.

My family said every day I wrote “Marisa Morabito is going home.”

I convinced and believed the thoughts I told myself and it worked, I went home.

Despite the doctors not advising this radical decision I checked myself out against medical advice.

I was on a mission, I was fiercely determined to heal myself.

With God’s grace, I embarked on a new journey to ultimate health, wealth, and prosperity.

Today, I am medication-free and thriving!

Pushing my body to the limits each day.

I am an endurance athlete who trains with our WHOOP community #BetterThanYesterday.

How I healed is what I have created within my content and teachings.

17+ years of experience resulting in mind, body, and soul mastery.

After all, true wealth is health.

If you are reading this and want more for yourself, you are in the right place.

My newsletter, content and offerings are definitely for you!

Together, Let’s Unlock your God-given potential AND

Drive your growth: personally; professionally.

Join me,

Health 🤝 Wealth!


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